
When times get tough, the tough get tougher. This is a man removing grass to make space for vegetables. It's a lot of work. He grew up with a hoe in his hands. His parents were sharecroppers here is MS. They followed crops, picked, and worked. They made a living back when life was simpler. In a time before subsidies and illegal aliens to do this kind of work. The problem is these workers send their money out of this country and also use our services. On second thought, that's too big of a problem to tackle today.
When I see him work land it makes me think. All the skill in his hands, all the knowledge in his head of how to live without any of the things we have taken for granted. I hope the girls will learn from him.
We're going to plant a few things to eat. I'm sick of paying these prices. I went today to buy deodorant. Can we plant deodorant? I usually get Secret sticks with something not to perfumed. It is usually about $2 or a little over that. The prices had jumped to $4.00 for ONE. I kept looking and blinking my eyes. I watched a woman walk up and grab a sports type stick for almost $8, for ONE. I don't think she even looked. I kept staring and then finally found down at the bottom some for $2. I almost bought a dozen for fear of what it might be next time but didn't. I may end up stinky one of these days. It cost me almost $30 for seeds for the garden. Am I crazy? Am I the only one noticing that prices for the simplest things have gone completely stark raving mad?Well?
My husband and Kayla went to a tea party protest yesterday. They both thought it was wonderful. Did you go?
Ok completely different subject. Change directions radically,please?
I am going to work nights next week and then I probably have to decide if it is going to be days or nights. I am in a dilemma, here is the deal. The pro and con list.
Once I am sleeping all day like I did yesterday, staying up for the night shift wasn't bad.
I'll make almost $400 more a month just for working those hours.
The phone doesn't hardly ring.
The doctors don't round.
It's quieter and there is a lot of "down time." I can even read blogs sometimes!
The night crew are funny, they belch and laugh. They are goofy but they work together.
I don't feel much like eating at night, this has got to be a pro.
The cons are, it's harder to go back and forth from being awake at night to sleeping at night. I may get goofy and tired.
It can be a little boring if it's slow. My body can't figure out when it's supposed to poop. So far it's confused. I guess I am running out of cons. Wow when the con list is shorter that usually means the pro list is longer; duh really? So what do you think about working nights?
I made my room really dark and slept from when my head hit the pillow until it was time to get ready for work. Not bad!
I like reading
yawl's blogs too. They play
CD's and eat,...oh no! Not warm fresh baked cookies!
Really someone brought in two plates of warm cookies, I was so dead, ate at least 6, maybe more. You know one of the cons of wearing scrubs is they are baggy and have drawstring waists so you don't even know how fat you are until the next time you want to wear real clothes.
I've already had a memorable experience at this hospital. We have had a run of GI bleeds and drunks needing to detox because they are really sick. We don't do rehab but drunks can get so sick you have to dry them out or they die, and sometimes when it's been that bad they die anyway. I digress a little, blood is the topic. Bleeding and giving transfusions. I have been down to the blood bank so frequently they have learned my name!
Somehow when I went to spike the blood bag something went wrong
because when I hung it up it started spraying out all over the place. It went all over the front of my top before I could get it down and what a stinking awful mess. I felt that sticky
yukky blood oozing through my shirt and felt a bit of panic. I really really wanted to take my shirt off! Some one had gone to get me a scrub shirt. Next to the patients room was a little utility area with a sink. I went in there and pulled that nasty shirt off and stood there in my bra sponging blood off of my belly and bra.
There is a window in that area that faces the main circle where everyone is working. so basically I was in my bra in front of everybody. One of the cutest doctors on that staff said, "Um there is a nurse in there with her clothes off...." well you know if he hadn't seen an old lady in a bra by now. Oh well. I couldn't leave that stuff on me. My manager was really cool, he just said, " We have a shower for when it's really bad." People have been barfed on and all kinds of gory stuff. Oh
goodie I can't wait.
You are wondering what my patient thought? My patient was
unconscious. He was an alcoholic and we pumped over 15 bags of blood in him, 8 of platelets, and he died. That's life in the ICU.