Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Safe and Sound

Seems we have been sheltered through the storms again. All the years I have lived here with tornado sirens and terrific winds, we have always come through unscathed. God keeps us safe.
The wind is still whipping about and it's been raining, but nothing savage on the home front.
I gave Piglet the drill this morning before going off to school. "what do you do if you drive up to a street that is full of water"? She answered correctly, "Turn around and go another way, I'm not stupid Nannie". This coming from the child who did drive in the last Storm we had that was a lot more severe than this one. It's not over yet, but so far so good.

Too pass the time you won't believe what we did. It was Labor Day after all. We had some friends over for dinner. I fixed a chicken and stuffing dish courtesy of my friend Debbie in CA, and I cooked up some whole cranberries with crushed pineapple for a relish. For my sweetheart who won't eat chicken, broccoli cheese rice casserole. Heidi's post made me hungry for creamed corn but mine was not fresh off the cob, it was a dismal substitute but no one noticed, it was gobbled up. My friend made her wonderful blueberry salad which is really a desert. It has a cream cheese and nut topping over a jello molded blueberry pie filling, pineapple ,delicious surprise. Since it was raining we lit candles and pretended it was fall. I turned the air conditioner down some to set the mood. I'm so ready for fall. It was fun. We played a game called Outburst, that was entertaining. And so the storm went by us. We enjoyed a pleasant evening and prayers for safety were answered. It was much better than anxiously waiting for an ax to fall on our necks. Our sirens did go off three different times yesterday afternoon. My kitchen seemed much safer than the neighbors ditch. I have been enjoying Debbie's play list so much. (Wisteria and Roses) I open it under one tab, turn the play list on and then work under other tabs. Last night I ran the play list for background music for our evening and everyone commented on the lovely choices! How fun is that? Blogger music, candles, AC, and a storm.
What a night!
I have been reading a book that I think would be a delightful give away. I want to make up something though that will entertain everybody, any contest ideas? Trust me ya'll will want this. It beats the peri panties any day.


Flea said...

I want peri panties, please. :)

Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

So glad to hear you are all safe and sound! It sounds like you had a great time and instead of wasting the time worrying and waiting you made some fantastic memories. Good for you!

I'm always game for the "funniest thing that happened to me" "funniest thing my kid said" "most embarassing moment" etc. contests. Things that make people LOL never get old.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a fabulous way to ride out a storm! What a meal.

Glad you are all safe.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

great way to ride out the storm... looks like we may catch a bit of winds and rain from hannah... will need to lay out some food and candles and maybe the dice :)
Hugs Laura

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

I'm very glad you made it OK, and your dinner sounds wonderful.

I also vote for the contest being something that would force people to say something funny - most embarassing moment is always good; worst cooking fiasco (boy do I have some of those); worst vacation moment, etc.

Stay dry!

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Hi Girlfriend,

SO glad to hear you are all fine and dandy after Gustav showed up. I'll send you an email soon (I'm just swamped right now). Sounds like a yummy dinner. : )


I'm cheering right alongside Daddy BB. I'm wearing hoop earrings and celebrating.