My garden is growing so fast because of all this heat. When the garden produces you have to get to work.
I haven't been doing a very good job of working lately. Yeah, I know you don't blame me. I decided when I got up this morning that no matter how I felt I was going to hit the kitchen and get to it.
Fresh cilantro, love that smell.
Time to simmer down.
Salsa. Got the recipe off the internet. Last year my salsa was too salty but I used it on roasts' and it was delicious. We just couldn't eat it. This time I followed the recipes STRICTLY.
I have just 2 hills of cucumbers. All of this from just 2 hills. I have given away at least this many and been eating them to. Gardening is a great way to save money and feed your family
chop chop chop
work them up and chop chop and stuff the jars.
the added grape leaf for crispness.
These are half gallon size jars. I made 6, 3 gallons of pickles. Good night nurse.
Today was just the beginning. The peach tree is absolutely loaded and ready so I can't get too far behind on the summer harvesting work and putting food up.
Linda over at Home Town Seeds would like to sponsor a give away. I decided to just cut and paste what she said in the e mail and let you choose the prize if you should be the very blessed winner. I'm honored she would consider my blog for a give away because I think my readership is small. But ya'll are a mighty bunch so what I figured is that with you cutting and pasting and posting we could give Linda some good exposure for her generosity!
We love to do giveaways. We would be happy to offer one of our Survival Packs as a giveaway . Or if you think your readers would be more interested, we could offer our Variety Pack or our new Herb Pack (which isn’t quite up on the site yet, but includes 10 varieties of our most popular herbs). Let me know which pack you think would be best.
So here is the deal.
For every place you post about the give away, and link back to my blog. You can have an entry. One for a comment, in the comment state your choice of seed packs, one for a Face Book and one for a twitter. You have to let me know what you do because I don't twitter. If you talk your friends into doing the same you can have an entry for each friend you get to do a link, up to 10 chances for each person.
If we get a big turn out I'll figure out random integer. I don't know how to do that so I will probably make up name tags and put them in a hat and have the Hunny draw.
My bag of survival seeds is big, it came with directions and it's is sealed air tight to keep for next year. Even though we are in the thick of harvesting it's never a bad time to get more seeds. These seeds are also NOT hybrids so you can collect and save from you own garden. UBER COOL!
You have one week. Wednesday July 7th we will pick the winner. If you enter before 6pm that day I'll add you to the hat. Winner needs to live in the USA.
Back to my life.
I had a little visitor coming through the yard.
Maybe his name is Peter.
Bet he is pigging out on my garden, because
he was a fat little fella.
Pretty cute little bunny ears don't ya think?
Very cute little visitor. Unlike Mr. McGregor I think we have enough to share and the little guy is welcome to eat his fill.
Maybe I should make him a little blue jacket.
I love Beatrice Potter.
It has been quite a day.
I decided to call my brother.
I talked with him and his sweet wife.
If you can call bawling your eyes out, talking.
I felt a lot better after bawling like that.
I've been to sick to let myself cry.
I figured if I did I might end up in the ER.
Who would ever think that it is a blessing to breathe good enough to bawl your eyes out?
That is just pathetic. Out here we say things like
"Bless yer heart," or " that is jes pitiful."
Well alrighty then pitiful it is, because I did some serious bawling.
But my God is an awesome God. We got a call from Kayla tonight she has been placed in a home downtown. It's a Christian home and she can stay a year. Her plans are to go to college. I'm amazed.
She seems to have a good attitude. I'll talk to the house mother tomorrow. To find out what is involved.
Kayla wants a shaver it's been 6 days since she could shave her legs. A girl has to make priorities.
She sounded really positive about making a life for herself.
She told me she made friends in the hospital and the home is a nice place.
She said she is going to work hard to become independent.
Totally God.
Excuse me while I go cry some more.
I was thinking today about you. I was thinking today about how some of you have been my friends for a long time and you don't believe in God. You know I do, I know you don't. That is OK and it has not stopped us from being friends. That is how it should be. What I have always wanted you to see here, is a person who has a real relationship with the real alive living God, Jesus Christ. It is not about religion. It is not about a list of do this and don't do that. It is about a God that cares about us and meets our needs. It is about a God that offers to forgive us, deliver us, redeem us, transform us, and keep us. He never gives up. He is the God of the last chance, no chance, the slim chance, and the fat chance.
He is real. I would go through every bit of this if for one minute it makes you who don't believe think twice, that maybe, just maybe, this is the real deal. If it makes even one stop and think about Jesus- who is this guy? Was he just a good teacher or is he who he says he is?
It's worth it. You are worth it. Jesus thought so he already gave his life for you.
So what is a little testimony of his faithfulness on my part?
The least I can do.
I am crying reading this. Oh, how thankful I am that your precious one has found a place. I prayed for you again today, and I have just praised Him now for finding a spot for Kayla. He is good! He is very, very good!
Now you go get some much deserved rest. Lie down in those green pastures and sleep deep.
Sheila :-)
I am so glad Kayla has found a place. It sounds like she is making some good plans for herself.
It also sounds like your little bunny has found the perfect place. There is a plan for all God's creatures.
Such good news about your daughter...that is wonderful, a good start and chance to make changes..she can and I am betting she will.
I agree with every word you said about our Savior Jesus Christ...he is all that and more! So I testify with you...he is REAL, I know this for sure and I am so grateful..we are never, alone.
You have been so busy, I love salsa too, it's the one thing our kids beg me to make! Yours looks great! :D
I am so happy to hear about Kayla. What a relief! So wonderful!!!! :)
I think crying is so healthy. It really is such a good release. Good thing I do it just about every day. ;)
Wow! That giveaway is awesome! I think all of those packages look amazing. I wouldn't know which to choose!
I am so glad things are getting better for You and Kayla! I pray that it continues.
My garden is behind, because I got a late start, but it won't be long now. Yay!!
I put a link on Facebook and Twitter. You know I'm interested in those seeds!!!
I am so glad Kayla has that new home. And even happier that she called you and is keeping you in the loop. And that garden! And that bunny! And all that bawling! Life is good. God is good.
I'm happy you talked with Kayla--I truly hope that things are going to be better. Only you know how bad things were, and whether or not she's not telling you the whole story. I hope you can stay in touch with the family she is in, and that they'll know what to look out for. You and Kayla and Jennifer have been on my prayer list ever since I read your post on it.
Yes--it helps so much to cry. It seems I hold it all in until I just cannot help bawling--but I feel better afterwards. So glad you called and talked with your brother--or whomever you can pour your heart out to.
It's good for us to testify about our faith in God and His salvation He offers us through Jesus Christ. I know people won't always agree with that, but their disbelief does not make it any less true. As Christians, we should be always loving and kind to one another. And we should always try to give our witness so that someone else may have the grace we have been given.
So AMEN! I'm so glad you give God the glory!
ps--I'd love to be your neighbor if you're giving away veggies. I love them so much, and I want to make some pickles so badly. I guess I'll have to find a Farmer's Market and buy cucumbers!
So happy things are going well again.
That photo of you and your brother? is gorgeous!
Well, I read the latest blog before this one so I know the situation she is in. I pray she will make it the year and make some good decisions for herself. How hard this is for you. Our neighbors are raising their granddaughtera and I worry about her. She dates a boy with a hot car and I don't know what else. Maybe an attitude, I hope not. Raising children is hard at best but if you can get her through the next few years i feel she will be fine. My prayers are with you.
PS Post that salsa recipe!
i wish my garden put out like yours... HUGS and prayers on the kayla front... it is so hard...
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