Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Entertaining Out of Town Friends

 What do you do when you have company for a week? You have to find something for them to do right?
Even best friends can't sit around all day every day and just jaw, eat, and drink beer. Where we live there are a few attractions that guys would like. One day we decided to go check out this place.
 I have to admit I was impressed. I even tried on a back pack. The real kind. I immediately took it off too.
 Out here they have some fun slogans....

don't get me wrong I am not insinuating anything.

I had a blast taking pictures here.
This is a toy shop for grown up kids.

 OK I would not want all the animal heads in my house but I am so into this fireplace and the SCREEN!
 This couch, I want this couch. Who knows what a couch trimmed in real cowhide costs. The cushions were buttery soft and the color perfect. I love country. I didn't know that until I came into this place. When I saw the couch it was love at first sit. Looking at that gorgeous fireplace and that sculptured fireplace screen.
 This is a closeup of the detailed metal sculptures on the screen. Amazing.
 The top corner talk about 3D,how about some gorgeous leaves and branches?
 He's your little Huckleberry, such great artwork. The day was coming up roses and then this!!!! They had my truck! The first vehicle I ever bought for myself and paid $200 for it. Those really were good old days.
I LOVED my Chevy truck. It was this color too, and it was a 3 speed on the column just like this.
 So I posed in front of it.
 and got some sass goin on....
 Hey baby wanta ride?
 I tried to get in it but the door was locked.
I woulda just borrowed it.
 They had a lot of exhibits, like this coyote.
 live fish
 The store has so many lights it was impossible not get reflections from the lights on the glass. These fish were huge. They are intended to make guys who like fish go for the gusto and buy out the fishing gear department.
 They make it look good.
 This is my toy of choice. These are FUN. They just are. Yeah I know they are dangerous but they are also fun.

 Meeting him would be dangerous.
This was on the wall a very cool display.
Made me want to go find a lake and paddle around.
Seriously this place can inspire you to go somewhere and get busy.

 Nice boats.

and my guy. What a sport he jumped up on this boat to put the SIZE of this motor in perspective. Seriously I feel like a part of the dark ages. When did this size motor come out and wow you should have seen this $22,000 boat! The seats looked awesome like you could sit in them comfortably all day long. It had a hard deck for people to stand on while fishing.  Me? I loved the motor I gotta need for speed. I wish we could have taken this baby out onto the reservoir and just borrowed it.

Like I said they gotta great store motto.


Kat said...

Love those stores. Looks like you had a blast. Nice pics!

Chris H said...

What an amazing store... it's MY sorta store. Well, except for the taxidermy. My Dad's last boat had TWO Mercury motors on it... both were huge like that one.
I adore that fireplace and screen too.