Monday, April 7, 2008

And the Winner IS!!!

Kayebee. I let Tigger pick. We didn't quite wait til 8 o'clock. We made a slip for each name and stirred it up. I told Kayebee she would probably win! She wins just about everything she enters. The Lord just blesses her like that. I am sending a second place little surprise to mabunny. Kayebee gets a special little treat from Fresh Market some Italian Provance herbies. Congrats to the winners! mabunny if you will e mail your address I'll put your lil package in the mail!


Anonymous said...

Rigged!!! I say this contest was rigged!!! Karen! I told you to put my name on every slip of paper! What is wrong with you woman?!?!?


cOnGrAtUlAtIoNs Kayebee and mabunny! So, when's the southern tea party?

Brenda said...

No No NO. You were supposed to write Brenda on every piece of paper. LOL. Just kidding. Congrats winners! This was fun! Is that a new photo at the top! I love your hair!

Karen Deborah said...

Really you like my hair? It makes me feel like an old lady, all that silver,my family loves it. Geez I have to have another contest and the best compliment wins! Tell me more!! Ha You know honestly when Kayla picked Kaye's name I said,"I don't believe it". She wins eveything. But like she said she didn't win the HGTV Florida beach house. I think we all wanted that prize.

Brenda said...


ROFLOL! Well, but that would be REALLY REALLY lucky to win the beach house. Your hair is so shiny and has so much body. I guess that was what I noticed. Mine is naturally curly but so very fine that it ends up a frizzy mess. So I use a flat iron to flatten it out. It is about all that works.

MaBunny said...

Karen I don't have your e-mail, but here is mine, shoot me a short e-mail and i will give you my address.
My e-mail is

Hope to hear from you soon