Why do I expect justice? My mom tried to tell me when I was little that life isn't fair. I have not learned that lesson yet. The end of the story is, I resigned from my job today. The wicked supervisor not only lied she had other people lie and sign statements. I felt like I was in a nightmare. The investigator had my resignation slip out on the desk before I even came in. Tough choice, would you like to be fired or resign?
My brother had wanted to hire a lawyer and sue them. He told me it would go exactly like this. He was right. It just felt all wrong to go to war. I am a nurse and basically that is a servant. My job is to help people when they are the most vulnerable. I have been doing this since I was a little girl and put band aids on my dolls. Somehow being in a big legal battle doesn't jive with big court battles. War is for men.
But, I expected justice. I thought when this man looked into my eyes he would see that I was telling the truth. I cannot play poker. I cannot bluff. If I try to lie I wear a big sign of confession on my forehead. Life is about politics. Life is about how you play the game. I may have lost this round, but in the eternal perspective of things I did not lose. It is better to obey God than man. I will let the Lord go before me. I was not completely innocent. I admitted getting upset. This supervisor however flat out lied and she lied BIG. HUGE. Shocking really. As I answered the questions, "No sir, she did not identify that she was a house supervisor." "No sir, she did not inform me that I was on a speaker phone and she had witnesses." It got better. No soap opera could actually beat it. I did not cry in front of him. One tear escaped.
There is more out there to do. I know I can get another job. For Pete's sake I'm a nurse. I liked my job, that's the rub. I really liked it. Would I do it differently? Probably not. I have never had anyone talk to me like she did and I would probably get just as mad. Maybe next time though, I'll be more careful. Our message on Sunday was about the tongue and it having the ability to be a consuming fire. James chapter 3. Fires can escape our control. Fire can do a lot of damage. Fire can lay waste to what was good. Fire burns.
If there is anything besides being a fat bottomed girl that I have to struggle with, it is the tongue. Think before you speak. Respond don't react. Drama does not run in our family. None of us are rash, hasty, or quick to put our feet in mouth and chew.
Here is the geeky sheep thing again. I the geeky, can't run right, die easy sheep, have met with a wolf, a snake, or a lion, however, I am not an alone sheep. I have a super shepherd who can do all things. That includes making a way of escape. That includes making a different route, another path. Even if the geeky can't run right, hoof in mouth sheep has messed up, the shepherd loves her and will come to her aide. It is good to be with Him.
Rest in the shepherd's arms and heal. He understands. We know who you are. He knows who you are.
I am so sorry you had to go through that. I had a boss out to get me once. I worked there for four years. I should have left after six months. Finally I realized that if I did not leave, she WOULD have me fired. The Lord showed me a new opportunity and I took it. I have never regretted it. I know something wonderful is just around the corner for you.
P.S. Give yourself a break..for all have sinned let their tongues get away with them.
been there done it and ended up with a much better job in the end...God knows WHEN to close the door and WHEN to open the next one.
HUGS and prayers
replied to your comment on my post.. copied it here :D
the only thing to remember is it takes such determination and dedication to implement these... you can't take two seconds break from them for a while till it seeps in... but the hard headed female offspring is worth it... I had to laugh tonight she refused to kiss me good night when I sent her to bed she said I dont kiss people who dont exist to me... about 15 minutes later she was tapping my shoulder with her lip pouting out said I cant sleep with out Kisses :D Round 495673 won by MOM!
the rocks are just a natural part of the yard... We live on a HILL when it really rains the dirt gets washed away, we have build retaining walls and such over the years but there is ALWAYS rocks..4 years ago her brother had rock/ stick therapy while drunk/ hungover but she did a really good job digging up rocks LOL.
tonight she did stick therapy in the front in preperation of push mower threapy she swears she wont do it but... we shall see LOL
Oh Karen. I am so sorry. You have the right attitude though and you will be okay. That doesn't make it hurt any less though.
(((((((BIG HUGS)))))))
Sorry to read about your job. I believe you have done the right thing. We all have lessons to learn, I also have much work to do on the 'keep quiet' one.
I feel bad for you Karen with your job loss. However, rest easy knowing that something wonderful is waiting right around the corner for you. We just learned Sunday that Proverbs says when the thief steals from you just turn to your Heavenly Father for justice and He will force the enemy to return what he stole from you 7 FOLD! So hold onto your hat--amazing things are headed your way :-)
thank you everybody for the kind words
Sorry Karen - It is hard for me to believe that someone would want to lose a nurse! Around these parts there just aren't enough to go around. Hopefully something even better is right around the corner.
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