I was really really bored today, so I painted my toenails. I painted Kayla's toenails and discovered her feet are in terrible shape. Not only does she have hide instead of skin but she has hobbit toes. I took a tweezer to those and remedied that real snappy like.
She fussed. I need to teach that girl a few things. Her eyebrows! I guess I just haven't noticed.

After dusting with a swiffer, like I said I was mega bored. I went on line (much better) and found this,

Chris (Diet Coke Rocks) gave me this for working so hard that I broke both my feet. It's a cool looking award, and if you have to break both feet to get it, then I deserve it and you don't want it do you?
You do want it? Well then go ahead, you deserve a break today.... no an award....

A little different angle for the garden junkies, really was bored today.

What to do, when you can't do? I have been blog hopping. Do you have a favorite that is missing from my roll? How about recipes for zuchinni and summer squash? Is anybody out there?
I want to go to work....
I've been where you are and the only thing I managed to do was gain weight. Let me know what you find!!
oh please not more fat.
i blog hop i the morning while drinking coffee . I usally save my toeneail painting till later in the day rofl
OH I am here my dearest friend.. But I have no advice for the zuccini other than zucinni bread.... Squash... I just bake it and eat right out of the shell.. LOL ITS GOOOD with brown sugar and butter...
Your garden is beautiful Karen - I am totally envious, jealous or whatever you want to call it!! LOL it is divine and thank you so much for sharing with us! :) I wish I could come and help you out - we could visit and I could cook for you... thats the only thing I can do to help comfort people I shove food in their face. LOL
Karen - your garden and your toes too are lovely. I love the bead idea, never saw that before. Thanks for sharing your beauty!
As you know, I am new here. How did you break both of your feet? I know you must be miserable this time of year. Wanting to get outside and do stuff. I know, I feel the same way. Between the never ending rain, me being sick and helping out with my new twin nephews, I just can't get anything done. But I will perservere. (eventually) And so will you!
Guess I'm behind a post or two - didnt kow about your feet - OUCH!
anyway, you did a good job on the pedi and the garden pics are very pretty!
lol you just had to meantion my feet didn't you Nanny? rofl, well Mrs. Mckee has a Zucchini Bread recipe that beats yours by a mile. Don't kill me for saying that! I already told you that you can substatute lasagna noodle with strips of Zucchini when you make a Vegetarian Lasagna. Oi, you crack me up sometimes, and yeah, I'm writing this from the Library.
You tweeze your toes? OUCH. I think wax is faster (still painful, bt it's all over in one go).
Seriously, my toes are all curled underneath now. ouch. (your look great btw-- I will be able to paint my toenails in 42 days) ;-)
Yeah, why can't I just get my toes waxed like IBHH said?
"Bored" is better than sad or mad or in pain. Just keep relaxing and paintin' the toenails. Your toes look so pretty and so is your garden.
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