Saturday, April 9, 2011

Around My Place

Sometimes it seems like nothing at all is going on around here. 
I wonder what to share that won't be a boring re-run.

  This ah hum fella at the door had his first birthday on the 7th. He's a pretty good sized one year old.
 Plans for the garden, check out the prices. When's the last time you sawa pack of seeds for 20 cents?
I've been reading about companion planting to ward off bugs. I asked the Hunny if I could intersperse some different plants in his rows or between them to ward off unwanted insects  It's a lot of work for a bug fest.
 My neighbor rooted me some "shrimp" plant clippings.
 What are these guys doing?

 I love this one. The colors here are so pretty together.
 The first iris.

 My favorite way to travel. That weed looks like a spider on my toe--NOT.
 Zennias in the drive way cracks.

 It's weeded and planted with seeds. All these Johnny Jump Ups had volunteered up under the other plants. I transplanted them to the border.
 Getting happy.

Looks like I have been busier than I thought. When the weather is nice here and not too humid or hot, it's time to be OUTSIDE and let the blog lay fallow. My arm is getting more mobility inch by inch and I am excited about that.

What have you been doing? Is the weather getting warm for you yet? We are going to be planting soon!
My Hunny-Farmer rototilled his last time today.  Time for granny to get her garden groove on.


Michelle said...

We have three trees to put in the ground. I can't wait to get planting. I am going to try some straw bale gardening this year. Google might find it interesting.

Anonymous said...

Wow everything looks wonderful around your lovely home!! So glad to hear the good news about your arm...praying for complete healing and restoration of your arm ~I was in a bad car accident when I was 18 and I did not have my seat belt on and I was thrown out the window and hit a tree. I put my arm up to block the blow from hitting my face and I broke my arm. I had a compound fracture with several is nothing like what you have going on but I just wanted to share because I do not have full mobility in my arm so I can imagine how exciting that can be for you.~Wishing you a wonderful weekend full of sunshine ~Love Heather

The Quintessential Magpie said...

It's been nice here for a bit. I was out last weekend with a guy who does some things, and he cleared our dead banana trees, and lo and behold, there were new babies popping up. By summer's end I think they should be tall again. Last year we actually had bananas on the tree.

Right now I am dealing with two giant oaks that came down in our yard and were removed, but the aftermaath is yet to be dealt with which includes getting the biggest stump you have ever seen out of here. It is GIGANTIC. They are talking cranes. So anyhow, it has been a wee bit stressful, but we are thankful it didn't hit the house. If you want to see it, it's on my blog post today.

Other than that, Mr. Magpie has been very sick with bronchitis. I feel so bad for him, and he can't talk without coughing.



Kathie said...

Hey KD,
I think when you have good days and can get out into your wonderful yard and do things the blog laying fallow is understandable. So happy to hear about your arm mobility. My mouth watered at all the plants because I love flowers but that cilantro really got me, it looks so lush and green. Cute feet too! Hope to get a couple of tomatoes, one green and one banana pepper in containers first of May, but am going to look into the straw bale gardening that Farm Chick mentioned, someone on Freecycle was looking for straw for that reason and this reminded me of it. Take care andbig hugs!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...


I am sold! You ARE a garden fairie!

I cannot grow it as hard as I try.

You have CERTAINLY been busy, girl!

Karen said...

I always love seeing how your garden grows. It's beautiful. And I love that you garden in bare feet. You're my kind of girl.

Kat said...

That first picture cracks me up! Too funny. What a silly dog.
I have to get some cilantro plants. My hubby would LOVE fresh cilantro on everything he eats. :)

So glad you are feeling better!

Angela said...

Loved the first pic...too funny!! It's extremely windy today, but warm. About 70..I did some hand! On my hands and knees,lol. got me a little 'rototiller' what can I say.I've been busy cleaning, doing laundry and actually having a blessed day in the Lord..Was busy listening to my playlist at my Free Spirit Home blog. On my hands and knees washing the floor and just bawling over some praise music...had to stop and wipe my tears with my shirt to finish washing the floor...thought about Mary as she washed our Lord's feet with her tears and her hair as I scrubbed my dog pee smelling floor.

I'm off now to continue pitter pattering around the home. Love ya girl