The weather is wacked, I turned on the AC because it's hot in here. This is the same place that had a cold front blow through and we were in the twenties. Hard to believe isn't it?
But wacky weather doesn't hold a candle to what happened to Piglet this week. I believe that somewhere I have mentioned that my oldest, littlest, likes to keep busy and works at a hip deli.
The Newks, Primos, Panera, kind of happenin place. She works her little keester off.
The night before Christmas she came home and went straight up to Papa, she had a lot on her mind. She called a family meeting. I'm thinking to myself, what's up is she engaged? No, Nannie chill out. Well, it could happen, she's adorable. What's a Nannie to think?
She was very serious so I quit with the kidding around. I really couldn't believe my ears, you won't either. Piglets story started with her sharing that her bank account was overdrawn. Oh dear not good, sounds like Nannie math. I have learned however to shut up in these sessions and just wait. It completely goes against my nature not to start in with the, "if you can't add and subtract close the stinkin bank account." You know the kind, gentle, sympathetic, approach, NOT. She elaborated that not only was she overdrawn by a hundred dollars she thought that God was impressing upon her to help the children of Africa.
You guessed it, this is the part where I go ballistic and talk about starting out by helping yourself, learn to add and subtract and be responsible with your money. Actually I had overdrawn accounts more than I care to confess, which is why Papa manages the money. My excuse is that I'm dyslexic and easily mess up decimal points. Your not buying that? Neither does the bank. As usual I digress. I should rename my blog, "I digress." This story is not about the dyslexic grandma. It's about Piglet.
Piglet continued, I prayed about what God was telling me, and told Him that if he would help me fix my bank account and give me the money to help the children in Africa then I would do it.
"So today I'm waiting on this man and his daughter and he offers me a tip, and it was a hundred dollar bill!"
" I was so freaked out that I just left it on the table!"
"All the other servers are saying to me, aren't you going to pick up the money?"
"I went back to the table and the man said to me, "You haven't taken your gift."
" I looked at him and said, "Are you a Christian?'
He replied, "Yes, I am" and smiled.
From here Piglet started talking faster. She relayed to the man how she was overdrawn and how she had prayed, and that God wanted her to help the children of Africa. She said that he picked up the tip and placed it into her hand. She continued to wait on them. When he left he pressed a ROLL of money into her hand and said,
"This is for the children of Africa, dear girl."
He gave her $700.
In the middle of Mississippi in a deli.
Go ahead, pinch yourself.
Ok so now the dear girl is asking her Pa and her Nan what to do. She says that because of her prayer and what the man said that she thinks the right thing to do is give all of it minus the first hundred for her account to the children of Africa.
Now this is where her Nannie gives her the godly advice.
Actually no, I didn't. I was thinking this girl drives this little funky car and has little to no money and school starts in a couple of weeks and that we could use the help with books. After all if this guy has so much money he can send money to Africa without going through her. I mean shoot fire, this was a god send to help her, wasn't it?
Pa and Piglet looked at me like I had come from another planet. Nannie, she says, "he told me the money was for the children in Africa, he didn't say it was for me."
I was speechless.
The girl has integrity. In my heart, I heard, "this is a test." I left the room and went to the bathroom. I have a lot of arguments with the Lord in the bathroom. Lord why would you do this? "It's a test." Well Lord, I'm glad you didn't do this to me because I'd flunk.
"Do you think this my last $700?"
"No, Lord, it is not."
I went out of the bathroom and apologized to Piglet. I told her to do what she thought was right. I was of course late, because she and her Pa had already decided that.
With the intranet a person can do things immediately. Piglet went downstairs and gave the designated funds to the children of Africa. Minus her overdraft. Immediate obedience.
Somewhere, no credit to me, something has gone very right. This is the child of my daughter, the daughter who hasn't spoken to us in years, the crack addict. This is the child who I have prayed for. I was so humbled. Awed. This child acted with great faith. There is no telling what God will be able to do in her life. Amazing.
and somewhere in Africa, poor children are receiving food, warmth, maybe medicine, and hope. God multiplies gifts. This gift may go on to do huge unimaginable things, that we won't know about until our King comes back for us.
He pressed the gift into her hand, "for the children." and she obeyed.
It's a beautiful thing. Merry Christmas.
Wow, now that's a story! Amazing, just amazing. I am so impressed with her convictions, it's wondeful! You must be very proud tonight, very proud. I am just floored when something like that happens.
Truly a beautiful thing. :) We've had things like that happen to us, and I'm usually the one stepping in to say it goes to Africa, while the Hunny wants to fix the car. If we were both alike, either our car would always be fixed, or we'd always be overdrawn. :)
Amazing story.
HOLY CRAP!!! Way to go Piglet!!! Talk about proud of you baby, I dont know you and I am proud of you!!!
Holy Cow! And just so you know I'm going to start emailing all my prayer requests to Piglet.
Standing here weeping.
WONDERFUL! Piglet you are a perfect representation of faith and obedience I am PROUD of you and as you well know God works in amazing ways and you are a good faithful servant.
I weep tears of joy! I have already shared this story TWICE (Once to a skeptical unbeliever . . . did I mention the glisten in his eye as I shared?)
I am NOT amazed or even surprised by anything other than my repeated awe at His loving kindness that repeatedly washes over my life and the lives of so many, many more. He is able . . . more than able to accomplish what concerns me/you/them/him/her today.
Piglet I thank you for your obedient example. We are called to be like little children before our Lord. Today you led the way . . . before many. Your Father in Heaven smiles down on you and those of us here are just basking in the glow of sharing in it all and excitedly praising Him for the reminder of How Great He Is in the midst of the busiest time of the year when so many hunger for Him and His amazing touch, yet reach out for this and that and anything within arm's reach to fill the need. Like Mary and Joseph, who in obedience recived the greatest gift on Christmas and shared it with the rest of the world, you will never forget the gift you received this Christmas which has spilled over to bless me and so many others.
I already know God will continue to bless you (He keeps every promise), and I thank him that I can look at you and see Him. God bless us everyone (and that's a prayer, a joyful shout, and a dumbfounded mutter all wrapped up in one).
There's no "maybe" about it: I stand amazed! : D
Your granddaughter is truly an angel. The man in the deli knew that right away. God bless her for her unwavering faith and her strong will for not being tempted to reward herself with some of that money.
BTW, I'm sharing this story over at my blog and if it's okay with you and Piglet, I'd like to share it with others. I'm working with a woman in FL to get nearly 100 children in Swaziland sponsored. Sometimes people would really like to sponsor but they don't think they can afford it. This story is an example that NOTHING is too big for God and HE WILL AND DOES PROVIDE!
Is that okay?
This is one amazing story, and I mean amazing. I don't have words to express how much I love it.
Wow Karen, I'm stunned! This is one of those "Ah ha" moments for me. I don't know what to say...
Elyssa Piglet said whatever you want to do if it will glorify God go ahead. And for the record it was $800 not $700. she has $11 left.
From Tigger:
nice story Nana; I'm kind of upset that I was left out, but thats just me being selfish, lol. I TAKE ALL THE CREDIT IN ADVISING MY SIS ^_^ tee-hee. oh fyi, make sure to let everyone know my situation on blogging except for the personal info. Tankies and god bless everyone.'s up at MUSINGS FROM GRACELAND and I'll start passing it around other circles tomorrow. Thanks so much. May it spur many others on to loving His precious "least of these".
I think the pups teach us old dogs more lessons than we teach them sometimes...
That totally gave me the burny nose! Look at what God can do!! Love it!
What a story of God's faithfulness...not only for the finances, but for the work that only He could do in this beautiful young lady. Praising God with you!
I posted about this with a link back to this post.
To God be the glory great things he has done.
I have tears running down my face. I know I know,,your not surprised by my bawling,,lol. Ok, I'm back, I had to grab some kleenex because I started to blubber even more. Karen thank you so much for sharing this. It has TOUCHED me greatly, and God KNEW I needed to have that touch this morning,,,((hugs)) Ok, I have to go now and cry even more.
I'm back, just finished blowing my nose. I HAD to share this post with everyone at FSH...((hugs)) I love ya girl.
Crying tears of love and joy due to the amazing love and favor our Father has shown to Piglet. What an amazing story of grace and provision. Thank you Abba Father for bestowing such love on Piglet and using her and the love of a stranger to bless children so far away in Africa.
Thanks for sharing Karen. Tell Piglet that there's a woman in Georgia praising God for what He has done for her and the children in Africa.
What a beautiful story, and what a testament to a Nannie and Papa who are raising this precious child. Our God is an awesome God.
This is my first time here. I came to you via The Righteous Buzz.
I am crying my eyes out. Isn't God amazing?! And Praising Him for your sweet girl.
I have chills and tears reading this awesome story!!! This is the best holiday post I've none.
There is a plan for Piglet....I'm sure of that:) She is one special teenager.
God is so COOL. I mean, really COOL. She was so smart to heed His call for the money to be given away--now watch Him bless the socks off her. I think that girl is destined for BIG things for the Kingdom, don't you?
Happy New Year!
thanks for visiting Ginny and Claire I hope you come back again soon.
YES my dear Alaskan friend I DO believe the Lord will use her greatly. Her mother also had great potential, but where there is life there is breath and hope.
What an awesome story. I am speechless.
Waaaaahhhh!!!! I'm bawling here! Seriously! Don't do this to me!
This is just the most wonderful story. I.LOVE.IT. And I love your little Piglet. What a precious girl.
God is GOOD!
Amazing! What a beautiful story. Reminds me of entertaining angels unawares. God knew Piglet would be faithful with that money... He sent that stranger right to her with a message of hope for the children of Africa. A test, perhaps... for everyone but Piglet.
Amazing... God is good!
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