Tucker is sooooooo cute. We scored. This little kitty is a keeper. He's very playful,

and really fast, get it Tucker, kill the shoe! But seriously for all the usual kitty antics he is a big luvins. He purred all night long. He nibbled my nose and licked my chin, and when he licked my neck I called him Tickle Tucker. He made me laugh. I also didn't get to sleep until after midnight when he finally decided to snuggle up against my back, and purr. He purrs all the time. If I turned on my side he'd get up on my shoulder like a parrot. I think he loved me as soon as I showed him his spot. Once he saw bowls of chow and filtered water, a cat box to scratch in; whoo hooo that is a party! He's happy. He is going to be a good cat, (I know, if there is such a creature) but yeah he is a good cat. A definite keeper. I'm totally smitten with the kitten. Maybe I can get a little nap today, you know how it is with new babies at night.
I was just thinking that if everybody who wanted one just like him went and adopted a kitty their would be lot less kittens looking for a home. It really doesn't matter cost wise if it's a shelter or a stray, I actually think shelters spay and neuter the cheapest. Times are going to get tough for the animals too. I am such a softie. Ya'll got me pegged.
I have 6 cats and will sell any of the cheap , and if the candle lady and shortlegss fuss they can be sold cheap TOOO
I'm more of a dog and horse person. My friend has my share of kitties. She has 9. And any stray that crosses her path.....
Always wonderful to see a shelter kitty (or puppy) find a forever home;) He is precious!
He sure is a cutie. Our cat is a shelter cat and she's a really good cat. They just want a good home.., and love; like all of us.
Enjoy the baby. Take lots of naps.
Oh KD, he really is very cute... for a CAT! Me.. I like dogs.. little fluffy ones like Teddy!
And he plays just like a kitten too.
Tucker is a lovely name too.
I have been trying to leave a comment on your blog for a couple of days without sucess as my computer keeps freezing when I click on your blog! So annoying! Glad I finally made it today. Was worried you'd think I was ignoring you~! AS IF!
I'm hoping to adopt a shelter kitty this fall ... Tucker looks adorable.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....... You adopted and fell in love with another CAT!
I just knew that deep down you really are a 'cat lady' and just afraid to admit it.
I love the looks of that little fella, he looks like our Billy the Kid.
Congrats and big friendly hugs!
What a cute little ball of fur! Oh how I love kitties...
My daughter is so allergic to cat hair that her throat closes even if she doesn't touch them. Otherwise I would probably have my own little kitty haven here.
So does this fill the hole in your heart where you wanted to put a dog? Is it even close?
Is he swinging from the drapes yet?
We just had to send 2 back.... : (. But never fear! We will adopt again. I am glad you have such a wonderful kitty to give you love : ) I love love! All kinds of love!
Farmchick LOL no he is quite content to wrastle with me and any appendages walking by. He'll find them soon enough.
well, good to catch up here...sounds like a cute kitten...and so pleased to hear that you do not need that surgery urgently,and are feeling healthier on a new diet...and can go back to work...hope all works out for you...
Thanks for your visit to my skies this week!
SOOOO cute!! I have two cats and they both seem to love shoes. What is it with cats and shoes?
My daughter volunteers at the animal shelter in Santa Cruz. She is contantly texting me pictures of adorable kitten and dogs....
I miss my kitty. We had to put him to sleep a few years back and then my honey didn't want another one. They just make a house homey.
Glad you found a new friend!
I love baby anything! Puppies and kittens are a lot of fun to watch.
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