There are a lot of things I want to do this year, besides the usual weight loss
crap that I never accomplish. In fact in spite of the head cold (which I am grateful has stayed in the head); I have begun. The first thing to do when you want to begin your year well; is destroy the place. Not exactly destroy but it feels like it because I have plunged the whole house into chaos again.
This is my room. It is empty. This is a
before shot. I tried painting the border a solid color to match the paper and see if that would passify me.I am not easily passified. It is better than the big blue flowers on the border that were there before, but no thank you just the same. I gave it a chance at least a month.
All of my stuff is everywhere else in the house.
Taking a shower and getting dressed takes careful planning. My underwear and socks are in this chest in the living room. My clothing is hanging in one of 3 closets.

The bed is in the laundry room. It fill the whole room.
I do love this paint it is so pretty.
And the cabinets that the Hunny (who is out of the dog house) built. Of course since we under construction AGAIN the counter top is catching everything.
This room
was cleaned up and organized perfectly for less than a week, before we started yet another mess.
Someday I am going to get my head examined.
At some point it is much easier to sell,
and just move than to redo the house you have just lived in for the past 9 years. Note the piles of books! Just note THE PILES! Piles must be moved many times to accomplish anything. I should be in shape from all of this- but I am not; my husband is.
He is also working on this.
Definitely out of the dog house.
It is primed and the paint is cut in, it's a cream color.
I have what I hope will be a very cool idea for this hallway. Trisha, Butterfly's mom, suggested painting the picture frames different colors from a color palette that goes with my house. I like that idea. Then in a magazine I saw picture frame collages that are suspended from a metal rod and connected by hook and eye hardware. Just one of those cool little items is a hundred bucks. I think we can make our own. This hall is going to be a major project but I think the effect when it's done is going to be really awesome. We will see. I know you will speak your mind when you see it all done--sometime in the next century. Sometime hopefully before I am too senile to remember what it was that I was doing!
Finally I have saved the best for last. I have been
bitching asking sweetly, to get rid of the carpet and put in laminate flooring for about
10 years. I started
bitching when he said "I do" before we even lived here. When we moved here I wanted flooring but cost prohibited it and I
begrudgingly chose a carpet. At the last minute I changed the color. BIG mistake. Do not change your mind at the last minute about
anything carpet. I was also under a lot of stress at the time and picked the carpet quickly just trying to get the job done. I don't recommend hasty decisions when you have to live with them for a long time
Guess what? You won't believe this.
Since the carpet has been gone off of the stairs I have noticed a few things. Bare stairs
feel treacherous are noisy. I really hang onto
clutch with both hands the side rail more.
How has it stayed in the wall? The dust is phenomenal. I see dirt everywhere. I have mental pictures of me swiffering all of the floors on a daily basis
and screaming. I am a freak about keeping the house clean
sterile and my compulsions just might go
buzzirk off the deep end, if I see floating balls of white cat hair blowing about the floors at all hours of the day and night.
What am I saying exactly? Well I am thinking about carpet instead.
WHITE Shag carpet or better known these days as Frieze. I have been looking at carpet and I just love it. I do want a light color that will not show the long white billows of cat hair. I think it will be gorgeous. GUESS what?
NOW laminate is
FREAKING cheaper than carpet. What gives with this? Am I under a curse? I could blow a stinking gasket! The carpet that I like is a "green" product, supposed to be good for allergies. It is not outrageously expensive only $#*%$#** a yard!
Well not quite, it has $** before the decimal point for change. The first number is smaller than a 4. The carpet I really like is in the $40 to $50 a sq yard price range. Even I have my limits.
Not really my wallet does.
I could love really expensive carpet no problem! Reason must dictate here! So smart shoppers just where do we find outrageous deals on carpeting? Really this is no time for silence! Speak quickly my credit card is twitching!!
I told you before that I am crazy ( I have 3 cats but I love DOGS)
now you believe.