Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I didn't KNOW I had the word verification on active on my blog! I thought I had already disabled it. WHAT A DORK!!! I think it's gone now, tell me, is it?


Flea said...

Bwahaha! You're so funny! I thought you did that on purpose. And how close are you to Tulsa?

Laura ~Peach~ said...

LOL i copied and pasted it LOL cause it made me LAUGH as it is so totally something I would do... HUGS Laura
ps I dont have any insurance and moneys tight I am scheduled to go back to work in september so will have more money and I am seriously considering having a psych eval done...

Laura ~Peach~ said...


Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

I'm sorta commenting on two posts in one. First, I agree with the whole 12-hour thing. 3 would be way enough, but five? If they paid you to be a Wall Street Stockbroker, then fine, they're used to the long hours and stress and entered into the profession knowing that's what it would be.

But no. I could NOT do 5 twelves.

I do the same thing around this time of year - say I'm going to Do This or Do That just as soon as school starts back up and summer is over. Then by October I'm back to my old ways....

I hate that word verification thing too. But because I am not sure what would happen if I got rid of it, I leave it there. I am a wimp that way. Scared of technology.

Anonymous said...

Don't you get spam without word verification.

Karen Deborah said...

No spam. I guess I've been lucky. I'm just a little blogger. But I am so dyslexic that those word thingies make me a tad bit nuttier than I already am. I read them and then can't recopy them, God help me if they are scrunched up. Numbers are easier.

imbeingheldhostage said...

That is so funny! I thought you meant to do as kind of a joke on us after your post swearing war on word verification. :-)