Sunday, March 13, 2011


Oh goody
The dog is just going crazy he's so happy!
Everybody is excited... and um maybe a bit silly.
(Me grandson shot these pics and also posed the hat)

The Hunny gets to pick, it's a tradition you know!

Heather from Big Dreams In A little House.
First prize a custom tailored give away just for her. 
I have just started visiting her blog but we actually have a lot in common.
She lives in California and likes crafts, sewing and making dolls.
Her dolls are AdOrAbLe!!!
Did I mention how cute her dolls are?
She has actually inspired me to give my hands a try at it. I used to do things like that when my daughter was young.
Heather send me your address in an e-mail

SeCoNd pLaCe is!!!!
My SwEeT LiTtLE BlUeBiRd
and second place doesn't mean a dad gum thing.
I just wanted to pick another.
Trudy will get a custom package too.

Now we are off for our weekend to the Blue Grass Festival.
It may take me awhile to get these "CUSTOM" presents figured out!
I'll talk to y'all when we get back home.
Have a happy weekend.

We are back from the Bluegrass festival and it was pretty fun.
I have to confess a couple of times I just passed out sleeping and SNORED!
I snored in public! 
I asked if I drooled too and they just laughed at me.
I don't know if I drooled.
It's bad enough that I had my mouth hangin open and snored.
I took a lot of pictures and talked to people.
It's pretty much a senior citizen event.
I found some good buys from some vendors and I'll do a post about them.
I picked up some goodies for the winners.
And I'll be back soon.
I felt good all weekend considering...


Anonymous said...

Oh Yippee!! Thanks so much!! I can't believe I won!! ;)~ and thanks for all those nice things you said about me!! I will send you an email ~A bluegrass festival sounds wonderful ~I have been to a few myself I have never fallen asleep at one though lol!! ehehehe :) ~Love Heather

Chris H said...

Congrats to both winners!

I REALLY LOVE that first photo of you! You are a goofy girl... but very cute.

Laura~peach~ said...

i am so glad you got out and about and had fun even with the snoring LOL... We had a lazy weekend here and slept most of it away... I think the run to missouri finally caught up to me... now must gear up for the next one that happens every year.

Mental P Mama said...

Yay!!! For everything in here today!!!

Bluebird49 said...

Well, I guess we know how you feel about bluegrass now, anyway. I didn't know anyone could sleep through banjo pickers.

I drool--it's enough to where I can tell it myself--it's why I try to stay awake in public.

Thanks for the second drawing-but your friendship is truly gift enough, Karen. It really is.