When you have a lot of time on your hands you only have two choices. You can find something good and productive to think about and maybe even do, or throw a pity party. I'm finished with the pity party for now. I'm baking.

While we are organizing and rebuilding these much needed storage areas, actually the Hunny is doing those big jobs, but I can do little ones like sorting throw stuff. Have you ever thought about "stuff" how it accumulates and we add to our piles, and then we freak out, because all this "stuff is everywhere!" It's not that all the stuff is bad or not useful. I am a big thrower, I get rid of stuff, which you would not believe, by the evidence of these closets. The problem has been useful stuff like 300 pounds of grains, beans, flours, and sugar in a bedroom closet. Plus all the linen, and the vacuums, and any unused household items. Not to mention toilet paper in large quantities in case of economic collapse. Toilet paper is an important household item in my opinion.
It's a mess isn't it? I have no pride, first the inside of the oven and now this.

I'm showing you all the messes because when this is finished the "after" pictures are going to be so great.

On the other hand there are the treasures you keep and never take time to look at. We are usually too busy to look at some of the "stuff" we have.
One of the things that I have from my Grandma (note KEY person in my life) is her cook book.
I never actually have taken the time to browse through it page by page.

Or read this little inspirational book that was promoting Cherry Heering a Danish cherry brandy. I haven't tasted the brandy but I really enjoyed the booklet. Reading it I saw where my ideas of hospitality have come from. My Grandmother influenced me a great deal. This little book starts like this, "First flowers, then food on the table," says an old Danish proverb.

Also setting the table with pretty dishes and glasses, taking the time to arrange things so they please your eyes. For me the table is an art form, like setting up a still life to be painted. Colorful food attractively arranged is then the final and most important part of the table. All of it together sets the mood for people to sit and talk, eat and share, and enjoy a pleasant, relaxing experience. A meal like this can feel like a vacation. In our busy, stressful lives, meals like this are needed.

I loved seeing all these clipped in notes and browsing through these tender, time worn pages. My Grandma was born in 1900, so it's always easy to figure out her age if she was still alive. I have so many wonderful memories of family around her table. Those influences were very strong.

First the flowers.

Then the food, served of course on Grandma's dishes. Breakfast is served. Come on in!
I can smell the fresh bread all the way over here.....
that table is inviting me to eat...yes it is.
That food looks GREAT! I am starving :)
and that tea pot, is really neat!
First the flowers and then the food on the table. I love it! So European in thinking and so needed in America.
That's mean. I want to sit down and eat!
Your flowers are BEAUTIFUL! And breakfast looks so yummy. I'll be there in a jiff!
"First the flowers..." That's my Mom. She always decorated the table with flowers..., and she was Danish.
The bread looks GREAT! Recipe please, starting from the very beginning - sourdough right? Mine didn't look like that! I'll be doing round/trial two soon.
We're sorting thru things too ... like why do I need an old shower curtain. NO, I'm not saving it for a grandchild's fort building.
Woman, I just ate a sandwich for a late lunch and that table made me hungry again. Soooo, not good.
Great job on the bread! I have been using that method for quite awhile now. People think I SLAVED over the homemade bread we eat with salmon chowder LOL
Your laundry room looks fantastic! Can't wait to see the colors.
And your grandson...swoon.....
Good post indeed! Thanks for sharing such nice information.
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