It was totally relaxed in my hands, it's little heart wasn't beating fast or anything.
Actually it was fun to hold it and pet it's little head. I don't have any use for blue jays, but it's a baby.
We also had some little people over to visit. Talk about a pick me up.And they brought a cake. A passion fruit cake with coconut, warm from the oven and served with coffee and love.
Such a sweet mama and friend.
My toys do come in handy. Kids think it's fun to come over here. This is the baby a bunch of chubby baby sugar and yeah I munched on him. Perfectly delicious little ham hocks on this boy.
It's been awhile since I gave something away.
I just finished a book.
It's a bit airy fairy for me. Very big on words. Some sentences were awesome.
It just isn't my cup of tea. I don't like dark sad tales. I don't like so many words that I feel confused. I kept hoping someone with some common sense would help the two young girls.
I'm too practical. ( This from a woman who was playing with little ceramic cows just yesterday)
Is it bad to give away a book you didn't really like?
It won an award and Brin from "My Messy Thrilling Life "likes it.
But I didn't like it. However the New York Times Book Review says," So precise, so distilled, so beautiful that one doesn't want to miss any pleasure it might yield."
Doris Lessing likes it. Maybe you will like it.
The book is;
Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson.
Just say in your comment that you want a chance at it. After it's been so highly recommended and Pa will pull names out of a hat. Will give this one till Saturday.
Incidentally I was thinking about what Coffee Bean suggested regarding modeling the boots with a hat and nekkid and someone beat me to that. Check out
gimme a chance :) I love to read!
Heidi's great! I was there earlier :)
Yeah, I'm not fussed on birds either.
That baby is ADORABLE!!!
I seem to be on a winning streak... so yeah, put me in the draw for the book!
Hey, babies are wonderful, Blue Jay's are, well, they were babies once huh so I guess that is a good thing but they sure are annoying birds, not to mention that one once ate the baby birds on top of my porch light.
Send some of that cake my way. Say it's a book because I'm trying to go off sugar but I'd sure like some of that cake and if I tell myself it's a book....just sayin'.
i am always up for a new book! count me in... love that baby hes adorable so squishy :) that little girl is too adorable and what some hair!!! smart momma to go ahead and give her a second language now when learning is so much easier,
have a fab 4th!
hugs ME
I'll take a chance! And I'd love some of that baby, too;)
now does the baby come with the book??? Count me in, the book that is, sounds interesting..;p
I'll be glad to give it a try and a review on my blog if I win it!!
Oh, I just love babies. Love them so much. Love your profile picture. Very lovely family.
I would love a chance to win the book called Housekeeping. I like stories that are dark and sad.
Let us know if the baby Blue Jay is OK. Poor thing.
Those children are just DARLING. I could just eat them up!
Oooh, I like dark, sad tales. Makes me remember that my life is nothing to complain about... :-) Not sure if I'm too late to enter, but if not, I wanna chance!
And that baby is so stinkin' adorable! Think he'd come live with me?
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