This is Riley. He is in a rescue. due to a divorce. This dog just kills me. Can you fall in love with a photograph? It would take me 7 hours to drive to where he is. Then you know they have to approve you. I'm crazy about him. I think he's the cutest thing I ever laid eyes on. I'd let him sleep on the bed. He looks like a leaner and a grinner and just the right kind of a guy. How am I going to ask my husband if I can go on a 7 hour trip and look at a dog and hope that we fall madly in love at first sight? But you know it's only with dogs that it happens that way. I sure wish there was a real Santa Claus or a good fairy or some magical genie in a bottle. I just can't quit looking at him. Riley.

Awwwww... He is a cutie. A total 30 pound lap dog, lol.
I just wiggled my nose....GO LOOK IN YOUR BACKYARD and see if it worked.
Poor fella. He got left out of the custody battle?! Go get him, he needs to be loved!
i agreee , you need him and he needs you youve heard of seein eye dogs he can be your "hip walkin dog" see its medically relevant , go get him .
* writes a perscription from dr coffeeman*
1 hip walkin dog to be refilled in 8-12 yrs
lol load up your car and go get yourself that dog! Life is too short. What are you waiting for!
Riley would love you forever if you let him call you Mommy.
He looks like Benji! He looks like Yours.
he's calling you...for a reason. Go.
He's precious Karen. A perfect Birthday present.
Does your hunny read your blog?
From one rescuer to another, he looks like YOUR dog. Just like I knew Carson was my dog, and even now with the house full of grandkids and company, even with me gone for days at a time, he knows too.
Your hunny needs to read your blog today.
A 7 hour road trip can be an adventure!
7 hours in what direction???? go get him!!!!!!!!!!
You have such a tender heart. Here's something to help you:
He is probably already adopted by a little old lady who will spoil him rotten.
He drools.
He hogs the bed.
He licks your feet.
I say GO FOR IT! I would make the trip with you if I lived closer!!!
Farmchick is right. Life is too short. Go get this dog. He's calling your name.
just get in the car and drive... what are you waiting for? its destiny, now just do it...
signed sleep deprived and frazzled with her 3 new dogs, which incl-ed a 9 hour drive to pick up the 2 pups from an animal shelter. i may be a total a wreck and the house in shambles with this new hunk of fur, but its worth it...
shh don't tell them~
now get in the car~ oh and prequalify before you drive, its like taking a test these days, i sent in a 10 page essay with pics from my first childhood dog on up, it paid off, i really had to sell myself first!
riley needs you, he is waiting...
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