Over at http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ is the story of McKmama and her new baby son that was not supposed to live. He did live, his little heart and his little life are a miracle. I learned of McKmama and her plight on http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/ where Angie's heartfelt prayers were not answered in miracle of healing; but she received a miracle of 2 hours. Two precious hours of life and that is all.
McKmama offered today to pray for those who had prayed for her. I read the prayers and as I did a thread emerged; a common thread of longing. Those who have children long for rest. Those who are sick long to be well. Those who are single long to be married and those who are barren grieve for a child. All the hearts cry out to be filled with what they think will fill them. If we are poor we ask for money, if we are rich we ask for love. What does fill the emptiness inside?
There is a God shaped vacuum in every heart, a vacuum that keeps pulling inhaling deeply, reaching, looking for the vacuum to be filled. Jesus said, "I have come that they would have life and have life abundantly." So why so much fear and hesitation to place your hand in the Savior's?
Fear. Silly fear. Pride. We are afraid of being religious weirdos. We are afraid to take the plunge that it won't be true and then we really are lost. We worry about what other people will think of us, that we have lost our "oh so rational minds,".
We hold tight to unbelief and the longings consume us.
The Savior loves, the Savior weeps, The Savior longs for you to thirst no more.
"Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Joy does come. In your own way, in your own words just ask Him. Let it all go.
SIGH!! amen amen amen..
Just finished three hours of doing 'battle' with two other daugthers of the King of kings. A dear precious one is in a VERY hard place. Thoughts of suicide, thoughts of murder, thoughts that are NOT her's but Satan, the Father of all lies. I shared with her, he is so good at what he does, that he will put his own thoughts in you, and try to have you believe they are your own thoughts.
"I have come that they would have life and have life abundantly."
"Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
I have tried to fill up that vacuum in my heart with everything that the world has to offer. I always came up feeling empty! No matter how much I filled it!
Praise God "The Savior longs for you to thirst no more."
Oh my goodness karen, thank you for this post. God KNEW I needed to be built back up after this battle. I was face to face with the evil one this afternoon, trying to kill one of God's own, one of my precious sisters...Greater is God!!
Jesus, thank You for Karen and her words spoken today over my spirit. Thank You for helping me Jesus get my strength back and to rest in Your arms. For I was weary when I came here, and the load I carried for my sister was laden..thank You for Your yoke that is easy and Your burden light. Jesus, thank You for the wonderful works that You are doing in Karen's life, and anoiting her with Your favor. Bless her oh Lord, more than she could EVER ask, imagine or think. Ephesians 3:20 over her and her family, bring Jeremiah 29:11 to pass over her family's lives..amen amen amen
What a wonderful post.... you have moved me to tears....
We could be sisters dear Karen!
I hope that you are feeling MUCH better today and that your sweetie is better too.
Longing. Hope. Things not seen. Things we can't touch and have. I post on it tomorrow. Yes, it's a common thread. Thank you for your insight!
I love the God shaped vacuum analogy. It's so very true. Peace. It's what we're all looking for, and few know where to find it.
You're coming u p with some wowzers this week!
I'm not afraid to be a religious weirdo. Oh wait, just today I was going through my long list of nearly-lost emails and found someone who disagrees with my views and I caught myself wondering if I'm becoming a dying breed. If something's wrong with me because I hold onto something that others shun. I'm not wrong. I just need to gravitate towards others who have that foundation.
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