Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Go Ahead Just Ask

Here goes nothing! If ya'll (all 4 of ya) would like to ask a question, I'll answer it. This actually does take some courage doesn't it? I mean what if no body asks you anything? But life is about risk!

I cannot even think; Tigger is taking close up shots of her nostrils and she is cracking me up. I told her to post them. She's so funny.

Go ahead just ask.


Anonymous said...

What is the best family memory you have as far as a certain holiday or vacation...you get the gist.

Anonymous said...

When you are the most down, what gets you through? (and if your answer is God... what specifically gives you that push... scripture, memory, etc.)

He He. Get thinkin'!!!

Do you have any faith fantasies... and if so, what is your favorite? (like a big ole shark coming up to eat you and you rebuking it in Jesus name and having it just swim away... you know... something like that)

If you could choose your last meal here on earth, what would it be?

Describe your most outrageous outfit you grace your family with at home (mine is my pink eyeore capri pajama bottoms with whatever sweater I was wearing that day and they almost never match... the worst is a striped sweater... my hair pulled back and my glasses that I put cotton balls under the nose guards. It is quite fabulous and I don't have to worry about any ... er ... advances (and sssshhhh about that last part, kay?)).

Karen Deborah said...

ROFLOL this is hilarious!!!!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

hummmm I am slow today just showing up and you have already answered some questions...
ok what is your favorite flower and why? If you could change any one thing in your life what is it and why? What is your favorite of all time book to read? If you cold have dinner with ONE person Dead or alive who would that be and why?
Ok enough for now :D hope this helps LOL
HUGS Laura

Laura ~Peach~ said...

sigh: cold= could duh

Kathy said...

What is your favorite pasttime or hobby?

Where has been your favorite place to live?

How did you meet your husband?

What were you like in the early 70s?

Karen Deborah said...

oh my lord, we are in trouble now.